Hype Review 3’s Company!
It was the third episode of our favorite shows this season! We reveal our thoughts, some conspiracy theories and some of our favorite moments from My Hero Academia, Persona 5, Stein;s Gate 0, and Shokugeki no Soma. This week we encountered potato noodles, training montages, cute santa girls and some bad choices. Enjoy!
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Listen to past episodes.
Listen on 🍎 Here
Listen to past episodes.
Music provided by Sean Petersen @spsounds
Hype Review, It’s Number Two!
Episode 2 of our favorite returning shows this season has aired! We are finally starting to get into the MEAT of these shows and can start talking theories and conspiracies. The salmon is fresh, the AI is realistic, camp is in session, and we bet you NEVER SAW IT COMING!
Listen on 🍎 Here
Listen on 🍎 Here
Music credit goes to Sean Petersen @spsounds
Hype Review, The First!
This begins the new segment where Ben and I (and sometimes guests) will talk about current episodes of currently airing shows that we are SUPER hype about! We will be following the seasons of My Hero Academia, Steins Gate:0, Shokugeko no Soma and Persona 5, The Animation! Buckle up kids, this is gonna be a RIDE.
Music credit goes to Sean Petersen @spsounds
Listen on 🍎 Here
Land of the Maybe-Not-So-Lustrous?
We finally got around to watching the show that we decided to review in our Bringing It To The Table episode! We discuss Land of the Lustrous and how it is NOT Steven Universe. We also talk about CG, the properties of resin, existentialism and some very jiggly breasts.
Music credit goes to Sean Petersen @spsounds
Meet The Hosts #2
In this episode, we get to know the incredible Danielle! We discuss the manga and anime she loved as a wee babe, animation, Fruits Basket and even voice over! We also talk way too much about Love Rice. We commiserate over the struggles of being an ARTIST and learn some great wisdom nuggets.
If you wanna see some of the GREAT work Danielle has made, check out her channel! Starting with this gem from her college days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntyLb1Wfc2M
Bringing It To The Table
This episode, each of us picked a show for us to watch the first episode of! Listen to us fight to the DEATH over which show we should continue to watch and discuss in our next episode! We brought SO many different genres of anime… I wonder which will win?
Music credit goes to Sean Petersen @spsounds
Episode 7: Meet The Hosts #1
This begins our adventure in learning about who the heck we are podcasting with! This episode, we meet the FABULOUS Lorena, aka Lolo’s Wardrobe. We ask her to divulge her anime obsessions and her favorite things to sew! She teaches us that you can use photo corners for cosplay, how to make friends at conventions, and much more!
Music credit goes to Sean Petersen @spsounds